Be Kind To Your Mind Event

This is special invitation to our next week Saturday event dated 16/09/2024. Please help to share and bear in mind that Ades has donated boxes of indomie for university new intake. Our Mayor of Greenwich will present it, please message me with your name and number if you are in Greenwich Borough. In the event, we will take attendance for christmas hamper by 2.45pm. Thanks

1. To raise awareness of anti-social behaviour in our community.
2. To address negative impact on people's health. To raise the youths as catalyst of change for positive peer influence.
3. To educate the people on personal responsibilities in keeping our streets, public transport, parks and neighbourhoods, public places clean and safe.
4. To appreciate World of Hope Youth Ambassadors, the Local Authorities and the good citizens for their effort in ensuring reduction in anti- social behaviour.

To young people, Anti-Social Behaviour can be defined as acting in an inappropriate manner that may cause harm and trouble to others or their communities.

The Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) is issued by the courts after a person has been convicted for a criminal offence. Under the order, a person who has been convicted would be banned from certain activities or places, and would also be required to address their behaviour, for example by attending a drug treatment programme. A breach could see an adult face up to five years in prison. The sentence and punishment can be varied based on the level of offence. If you're caught and convicted there are repercussions that can impact on you for the rest of your life.

1. Swearing, throwing egg or stone
2. Youths congregating with noise and vandalism
3. Vehicle nuisance such as moped and scooter
4. Noise nuisance, such as playing loud music, shouting and Slamming of door
5. Football play in inappropriate places, e.g. residential areas or car parks
6. Street fight, violence and abusive words
7. Dogs barking and fouling
8. Street or residential drug dealing
9. Graffiti, Bullying and Putting legs on the public seat
10.Intimidation, vandalism, firework nuisance, e.t.c.

Report to the Local Authority through phone, letter or visit their office

1. Warning letters and interviews, behaviour contracts and neighbour agreements
2. Conflict resolution meetings
3. Fixed Penalty Notices and Penalty Notices for Disorder
4. Parenting Orders and Individual Support Orders
5. Noise Abatement Notices
6. Community Protection Notices
7. Injunctions, Criminal Behaviour Orders
8. Premises Closure Orders
9. Possession Proceedings Against a Tenant .