Following previous work carried out by the Peckham Community Council, around Domestic Violence, a new community grants scheme funded by the Home Office and the Safer Southwark Partnership was launched to support projects aiming to tackle domestic violence against women. Cllr. Catherine McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, spoke about the teenage pregnancy commission which had been launched in November due to the fact that teenage pregnancy rates in Southwark were among the highest nationally. Esy Oluwafemi, a local resident who currently chairs the commission, also spoke about the work that her organization, Wisegem, undertakes with regards tackling this issue locally. Fiona Russell from Children’s Services said that officers wanted to hear the views of the community which would inform a report that the commission had been tasked to provide for Cabinet to consider how to address the issue.
Participants were also invited to give their views regarding the Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan a 15 year plan for how developments would be managed in Peckham. Attendees said they wanted less developments and disruptions and a greater variety and quality of shops. Meeting attendees were also asked to take part in the consultation for the new draft Air Quality Strategy.David Reid, director of the Peckham Voluntary Sector Forum explained how the forum, which had been set up to improve the quality of life for residents of Peckham and Nunhead by helping community groups to manage their organisations better. Florence Emakpose, from the World of Hope-Youth Initiative Against Conflict, spoke about the work of the group in teaching young people the importance of appreciation, caring and respect via befriending, mentoring and outreach work. As part of the regular community safety update, Sue Hunter, warden manager for the area, explained the new warden reorganization reassuring people that the wardens would still continue visiting vulnerable residents. Sue also reassured residents that warden patrols on estates still constituted an important part of warden duties.
The maximum penalty for carrying a knife is 4 years in prison and a fine of £5,000. If you have information about crime and but feel unable to speak to the police, you can contact Crimestoppens anonymously on 0800 555 111. Help stop knife and gun crime. Sir Robert Peel stated, “Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police.” That is a powerful thought and one which can sometimes be forgotten. Police personnel are members of the public, too. We are all in this together and we must work together to combat issues such as violent crime. By working together and providing means of empowering our communities, we are empowering our police to be more effective in reducing crime and making our streets safer. We work in synergy with each other, a healthy relationship is incumbent on the public being given the opportunity to play their role in being champions of their communities.
The law is clear that if your presence, knowledge or actions lead to a crime you could also be charged for the same crime. This also means that it’s not just the person who uses the knife or gun that could be charged. It could be anyone who was with them, or knew or did something which led to it happening.
1. For protection
2. Status
3. Availability of weapon
4. Media coverage
1. The family of the victim or perpetrator will have to live with the impact
2. False sense of security as most people die at the hand of their own knives
3. Criminal records limit chances at a better future
4. Bacteria on the knifes can cause wounds to be more fatal and dangerous than usually
5. The entire community suffers the loss
1. Warning letters and interviews, behaviour contracts and neighbour agreements
2. Conflict resolution meetings
3. Fixed Penalty Notices and Penalty Notices for Disorder
4. Parenting Orders and Individual Support Orders
5. Noise Abatement Notices
6. Community Protection Notices
7. Injunctions, Criminal Behaviour Orders
8. Premises Closure Orders
9. Possession Proceedings Against a Tenant
1. Do not take away a life, it also takes away yours
2. Better say safe than sorry. Safety, however, is not found in a knife
3. Know your friends, are they good or bad influence?
4. Where there Is hope, there is a way. Try to find hope in every situation
5. We are part of the solution. Why don't you become one?